René Churchill
- 20+ years of software design and development experience.
- Fluent in PHP, SQL (MySQL, SQLite), JavaScript and Visual Basic 6
- Rusty in PERL, C, Verilog
- Basic knowledge of silicon fabrication processes, digital timing analysis and transistor level device modeling.
- Working knowledge of marketing, pay-per-click advertising, lead tracking, social media and SEO.
Founder/Partner, WherezIt.com, Oct '05 - Present
Startup that presents geolocated information on a website where the
user defines what local is. Local is relative to the information the
user is currently searching for. A local pizza might be within 5
miles but a local used car might be within 50.
- Developed a automated feed of police reports that tries to
geo-locate them appropriately. Also scrape dozens of other news
websites for local information.
- Created a PHP/MySQL website that rapidly sorts 250,000 articles to
determine which are local to the user and managed dozens of categories
different attributes for each.
- Wrote an internal CRM site for WherezIt.com sales.
IT Manager, Small Dog Electronics, Jun '05 - Sep '05
Managed the IT department at Small Dog Electronics, a Mac retail
store. Handled internal tech support, outside consulting and kept the
retail website working. Rewrote the surplus sales and dog friends
portions of the website.
Adjunct professor at Champlain College, teaching CIS365 (PHP/ Web Programming) - Fall 2004, Spring 2005
Taught an online class, CIS365 (PHP / Web Programming) for 2 semesters at http://www.champlain.edu
Owner, Astute Computing, March '98 - Present
Providing Internet consulting and programming services,
specializing in creating data driven websites.
Some of my projects:
Web Programmer, Viewlogic Systems, Inc. August '97 - March '98
- Developed a Sybase app that processed customer leads, distributed them to the sales force and tracked their status.
- Wrote several web database applications to support online seminar registration.
- Developed a database application to upload, store and sort marketing and sales documentation. The system emails the document owners to remind them to update their documents on a periodic basis.
- Wrote a system to synchronize HTML content on the development and external webservers that simultaniously checks for modifications to the external webserver. Developed a similar system to synchronize a duplicated webserver in the UK.
Senior Software Engineer, Viewlogic Systems, Inc. April `93 - August `97
- Created an internal Web page for the build system and translated most of the group documentation into HTML. Wrote a search engine for these documents using Perl and egrep. Generated HTML forms to automate most release forms required by the group.
- Wrote a central build system and development environment which dealt with fetching source code from multiple configuration management systems, building the source code on multiple Unix platforms, installing the resulting software, and running regression tests. Any error messages from these tasks are automatically emailed back to the appropriate developers. Largely written in PERL. Also developed reference manuals and a training course for developers.
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Cadence Design Systems, Inc. May `88 - March `93
- Worked in the Software Development Environment group. Wrote PERL scripts to filter Purify output from large regression tests suites. Also wrote various other scripts to help automate the development environment.
- Senior developer on Cadence's digital timing analysis program. (Veritime) This program was approximately 110k lines of code. Was solely responsible for about half of it. Was also responsible for the data structure compilation and the core path tracing algorithm.
- Rewrote the netlist compilation modules to reduce memory swapping and clarify internal data structures, resulting in a 25-200% speedup. Implemented a compression algorithm that reduced memory usage by selected data structures by 50-75%.
BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, May 1988