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Programming Services

Our core business is web application design and programming. We have programming experience in numerous industries ranging from finanacial services, online e-tailers, non-profits and online marketing. No matter what language we're programming in, we feel there are four primary considderations that every programmer should commit to:


No other topic is as important. A web application's most useful feature, easy access from any web browser, is also its biggest security risk. Unlike traditional client-server applications, which run internally on secured networks, web applications communicate from the user's browser to the web server via the internet. This means that the entire world can now see your application and attempt to use it.

Application programming is the first line of defense to protecting your application. Simple steps like data verification, variable definition and understanding the programming environment are essential when designing the application. The best way to learn how to develop secure code is to stay current with technology and constantly refine your programming skills, something that every project helps us do.

Security does not stop with the application programming. Is your database secure? How about the web server? Through our experience in developing applications we have learned how to keep security in mind when developing your code, creating your database and deploying your application on the server.


Vital to both your application, database and web server. You may only have 50 employees accessing the application now, but what if you suddenly expand? Your applications need to handle the increased load without slowing down. Most scalability issues can be identified and avoided while designing the application. Successfully managing memory, caching information and managing database interactions are just a few ways we address scalability issues in our code.


The best way to reduce the cost of development is to reduce development time. The best way to reduce development time? Reuse previously tested reliably code. We have an extensive library of code that we have previously developed and reuse it whenever we can. We also use other code repositories, such as PEAR when we are programming in PHP, so we don't need to, "reinvent the wheel" ever time we create an application.


Our software licence is simple: all source code we create is jointly owned by us and the client. We will not resell the code we create for you but we reserve the right to reuse various components in other applications.


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